March 2024
By the end of March , on my last sighting of the American White Pelicans there were only two left, the others seem to have started to migrate. The following week I went back on Easter weekend, there were all gone. It was thrilling to have been able to see them so close to home and an urban area at that! I was sad that they left but I'm glad they moved on and wished them luck in their journey.

February 2024
One of the birds I most desired to photograph was the American White Pelican, and ever since we moved to Florida I seek places where this bird can be, but to no avail. Every place seemed so far, and more for a weekend trip. But here is the thing about Florida, when you can’t get to the birds, eventually the birds find you. And that is how I found this pod of pelicans, in the most unlikely of places. On my way to one of my appointments I drove by this small lake and there they were, not even 50 feet away. I was so excited, after my appointment I headed home to get my camera and went right back to the lake, hoping they would still be there, and they were, all ready for their portrait…….needless to say I was late for dinner.

January 2024
On my visit to the Orlando Wet Lands it was spectacular to see the birds either building their nest or caring for it. The picture below shows pair of Great Blue Herons tending to their nest.

May 5 2023
Welcome to Florida!.......After much thought and work we finally made the move to Florida last December. While I have not made the trip to the big bird area spots, the birds have surely to come to me practically in my backyard, from Sandhill Cranes to Bald Eagles! I have posted some pics but so excited to see what I encounter in the next few months, stay tuned.

June 9 2021
I'm published!! This pic I took of the Peregrine falcon below was included in an awesome article in the Bergen Magazine June issue. My picture and comment is on page 49 (online page 53). Check out the article

May 21 2021
I won the "Coastal Captures" category in the Jacques Cousteau Reserve Backyard Bird Photo Contest! with the Snowy Egret photo below.
jacquescousteaunerr https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJsHrsrWgc/
"We took our fourth category to the beach with "Coastal Captures". Take a dip with our next winner, a Snowy Egret captured by Roberto Melendez on May 1st!
Congratulations Roberto! "
Congratulations Roberto! "

November 23 2020
Wood Stork in Florida
I had the opportunity to visit my mom and spend time with her after many months of lock down due to the covid virus. Normally while in Florida I would be going to places to photograph the birds of Florida, but on this trip because of covid I stayed with my mom and went out only to buy groceries. It was great to just to be with my mom but mother nature has a way of giving you opportunities. I didn't go to the birds but instead they came to me, right in my mom's backyard/lake. White Ibis were plenty as always, but I was also visited by Great Blue heron, Great White Egret, Green Heron, Little Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, Ospreys, Anhingas, Tricolored Heron and for the first time ever, my first sighting of the beautiful Wood Stork! I am now quarantine back home and I will be busy for awhile as I have over 4 thousand photos to review. I won't be going out birding for two weeks but I think I have all the birds I can handle right now on my computer!

October 2020
Venturing out and connecting with the birds again after many months
Life has changed since my last entry! Because of the virus that has affect us all in different ways, this year I missed the spring bird migration due to the lockdown as many other birders. And although a minor inconvenience compared to what other people have gone through during this time, it did impact the bird migration tourism in many states. Aa far as the fall migration, I have enjoyed what I could staying locally. Normally I would venture out to the south of the state, I think is too soon yet to venture out so far. Although I may do a day trip to see if I can get pics of the Snowy Owl, A lifer for me but it needs to be a bit colder.
During the summer months I have enjoyed the Meadowlands with it's many birds and State line for the Falcons. I'm looking forward to venturing out in December/January and get some pics of Bald Eagles as they are easier to see without the foliage of the trees; when they go hunting in large bodies of water.
My quest lately has been to get the perfect picture of the Great Blue Heron in flight. While I have many pics of the GBH in flight, I have not gotten the ONE yet. My last trip was to the Meadowlands during the sunset golden hour and the GBH was there, my spouse spotted it hunting on the other side of the meadows about 200 feet away. I did get a few pics as it mimic what I call the Snowy Egret dance, only a bigger dance. As I decided to move on the GBH takes off my way and into the grasses, I missed the shot. When I came back to the area I decided to sit down, just then I hear the squawking and the GBH flies right by me and I missed the shot again! As I'm leaving the area the GBH flies right over me but by this time it didn't matter , it was too dark to get a decent pic. The GBH was definitely playing with me, maybe on my next trip the GBH will play nicer Lol!

January 19 2020
Peregrine Falcon
It is said that what is meant to be, it's meant to be. Well I believe those words, especially on this day. I set out to the Meadowlands on what had to be one of the coldest days to see what birds I could photograph. Once I got there it was actually not that cold as the sun came out and felt good on the face. I walked the trail and did not see one bird, not even a duck and there is always ducks. OK, maybe going up to Teaneck may not be a bad idea , with my snow boots on ready to tackle the snowy muddy park I set out. As I'm approaching the area I started to day dream about the eagles I photographed at this location last week, Ahhh I missed the exit. Do I go back or do I just proceed to cliffs? With the cliffs exit approaching, I decided to see what's up on the cliffs.
I got to the cliffs, very snowy cliffs. I braved to the location I last saw Peregrine Falcons. Ahhh other photographers were there, I welcomed to see them although I did not know them. Any sightings? sure they said , look ahead. And there she was a beautiful Peregrine Falcon. After a few takes, the other photographer started to converse, including me in the conversation. I must say I truly enjoyed talking to these guys and gals. Sometimes in the field you are alone or if there are others, some don't care to even say hello. This bunch were very friendly. "Ahhh get ready she is going to fly", said Nick. We all positioned and got our pics! How he knew I have yet to learn. After that they left and another photographer, Robert, came and started to converse about eagles. Then he noticed another photographer in the distance, he said "lets go" photograph a Falcon , "she's over there".
I followed and sure enough there she was, not more than 30 feet away. We clicked away, soon Robert left , then the Falcon decided enough of this photo session. I went back to my original location and the photographer (Jake) that had been taking photos at the second site soon followed. The Falcon never came back, but a great conversation with Jake. Jake is an interesting guy, dress from head to toe in camouflage fatigues including the camera. He reminded me of James Bond in disguise. Jake with a lot of knowledge, we spoke about equipment and Jake gave me some valuable tips, he also knew Sam, a great and friendly photographer a had met months earlier in the Meadowlands. I even got some friendly scolding from Jake for not photographing every day and learning even bit of technical feature of my new camera. Explaining I had a different job 9x5 was not good enough, and it shouldn't be, Jake was right. So on this great day I walked away with awesome Falcon pics, great friendly conversation and a good friendly scolding, who can ask for more?
I guess it was meant to be.

January 11 2020
Bald Eagles
I arrived at the park, hoping to capture some birds, no sooner I started to walk, a flock of Canadian geese which numbered in the hundreds, darkening the sky, flew right over me, nervous I was going to miss the scene, I just started to photograph and failed miserably as my camera settings were all wrong. Feeling like a loser, little did I know that on this day, it was going to be a milestone in my photography of birds. As I walked along the side of the running track in this park in North Jersey, I spotted a big bird flying down into the the large creek. Thinking it was an Osprey, although it was January, I quickly double checked my camera settings and headed toward the water's edge. In the distance, a few hundred feet away I spotted a few dark shapes. Well that's strange, Ospreys just don't sit out in the water and certainly not in groups.
As I raised and looked through my 600mm lens, I almost fell back. Not one, by four Bald Eagles, 1 adult and 3 juveniles , sitting on a log. Conscious that you have to stay away from Bald Eagles nest, I quickly looked around to make sure there were no nest in the trees, and of course there weren't any, as the water's edge was too close to the running and walking tracks, with a lot of people movement, then I remembered reading about nest in the adjacent town. These Bald Eagles must have been here to fish and hang out for the day. I quickly started to photograph them, as I was sure they would leave quickly, it turned out to be more than an hour photo session. I stayed behind some trees with just enough clearing to take photos, so I wouldn't spook the birds, as they have great eyesight. Behind me of course on the track, there were people running and enjoying this 60 f degree weather in January!
I had been thinking of taking a trip to Maryland of a well know dam with lot's of Eagles , but here they were putting on a wonderful display of a day in the life of the Eagle, in true nature. Photographing the Eagles was truly a dream for me and I will never forget how blessed I was on this day. While the Eagles had flight , I walked out of the park walking on a cloud. I hope you enjoy the photos as much I was thrilled to take them.

December 25 2019
Being in Florida for Christmas was quite usual, nothing worked out the way we wanted, wit the exception of seeing my wonderful Mom and family. No sooner did I land I fell ill and was lay'd out in bed for two days. On Christmas day, feeling better we headed out to Dania Pier to see if there were any pelicans. Well there sure was, and I managed to get some really good photos of pelicans. What a nice Christmas gift!
September 14 2019
I was mentioned and photographed in this article by Anne-Marie Caruso
June 16 2019
Turtleback Zoo
Flamingos in New Jersey! I'm used to going out and finding beautiful birds in the wild, but recently I took a trip to Turtle Back Zoo. I had visited the zoo many many years ago as a kid. So I was expecting to see a few animals. Well was I in for a surprise. The Turtle back zoo has come a long way and has a diverse amount of animals. The exhibitions are well thought out. I was fascinated by many of the exhibitions. In particular of course the Flamingo exhibit, which is awesome and beautiful. The exhibition is well thought out and the Flamingos are free to roam. The zoo is also big on conservation efforts.
I truly enjoyed my day and will be back. I've been granted permission to show some of the photos , but go and see the zoo for yourself at Turtle Back Zoo in West Orange , NJ.
You will truly enjoy it.
May 25 2019
Cape May
We decided to spend the weekend some place different, some place we had never been too. We decided on Cape May , since we never had been and people kept telling me to go to see the birds. It was truly an awesome trip, not only the birds but the town, the old homes, the restaurants, we felt like we had been transported to some place else. And then the birds.... wow I had such an awesome time photographing birds, will definitely be down for the bird migration in the fall.

March 26 2019
My pictures of the Tree Swallows were feature in The Meadowlands Nature Blog discussing the Tre Swallows and their new homes in the Meadowlands. Check out the blog here:

The Meadowlands
My love of the Great Egret started with my first visit to the meadowlands in 2018.