I am a self-taught artist and photographer, of Puerto Rican heritage. I was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, across the river from New York City. My parents came to NYC from Puerto Rico for a second time, a few months before I was born. Being so close to New York city gave me opportunities to appreciate and grow with art, in this city, considered by some as the art capital of the world. My summer trips back to Puerto Rico gave me much inspiration, from watching the people work in the fields, to working with and watching the wonderful animals among the colorful mountains.

My interest in technology led to my college studies, concentration in computer science, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in computer programming. My love of the arts continue and complimented my technical studies.
Somehow arts and technology morphed in to my love of photography, leading me into fine art photography and because my love of birds, propelled me into Bird Photography.
I always had a special passion for birds, my brother and I would often visit the local park and river overlooking downtown Manhattan, and marvel at the flocks of pigeons and other birds that were always around.
Photographing these majestic sometimes mystical animals is so satisfying and magical. And for me, also a healing and therapeutic exercise, and at the same time serving as a way to reveal and relive the wonders of nature in a photo.
On this site I share one of my greatest passion and an invitation to see these beauties through my eyes and create a vision of nature that's impactful and inspiring.